How to install your lenses
Before you DIY those lenses into your beloved frames, let us show you how.

How to install your new lenses
So you've received your new lenses in the mail, and you've scanned that QR code. Now what? Simply identify what type of frame you own, and watch the video below. We anticipate the entire install should take roughly two minutes.
Installing lenses into plastic frames

1. Opening your box
1. Take out card, and open the zipper pouch
2. Remove sticker, cloth and new lenses
2. Remove existing lenses
1. Firmly grab frame
2. Face frame away from you
3. Press on upper inside nasal corner
3. Insert new lenses
1. Align new lenses with the frames
2. Face frame towards you
3. Press lenses in by front nasal section
4. Inspect, clean and enjoy
Installing lenses into wire frames

1. Opening your box
1. Take out card, and open the zipper pouch
2. Remove sticker, cloth and new lenses
2. Remove existing lenses
1. Locate screws on both sides
2. Loosen the screws with an optical screwdriver
3. Firmly grab, face away and press on inside nasal corner
3. Insert new lenses
1. Align new lenses with the frames
2. Face frame towards you
3. Press lenses in by front nasal section
4. Tighten both screws
5. Inspect, clean and enjoy
Installing lenses into half frames

1. Opening your box
1. Take out card, and open the zipper pouch
2. Remove sticker, cloth and new lenses
2. Remove existing lenses
1. Firmly grab frame
2. Face frame towards you with one hand
3. Use other hand to pull down lens from inside nasal corner
3. Insert new lenses
1. Align new lenses with the frames
2. Face frame towards you
3. Slide lenses up into frame
4. Inspect, clean and enjoy